What has happened?
Ok, so I have been thinking this for awhile and maybe I just haven't had the right wording or the right frame of mind to write it all out.....What the H*LL happened? When did people stop actually talking?
Andy and I rarely get to enjoy any time alone so when we do it is amazing. We talk, we hold hands, we get to enjoy a meal without passing a baby back and forth and we actually get to be with one another. Sadly though when we are out and about all I see is people with their faces buried in their phones. Whether it is the new fad of "pokemon go" or people just getting lost in the endless scrolling of Facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat and whatever else there is to get lost in; people are just GONE. There is no interaction unless it is through some sort of message, email or text.
I hate to date myself here but, when I was growing up there were no phone calls allowed after a certain time. We didn't answer the phone during dinner. We most for sure were expected to interact and converse with the people we were with.
Even now as an adult I find myself getting "lost" in social media. Running my personal Jamberry business is something that actually has made me mindful of the time I spend looking at a screen. I personally have my own little routine that makes me limit mindless scrolling. It makes me sad that a group of adults can't sit in a room without one person or more constantly checking their phone. What happened to good old conversation and live interaction between people?
Then just look at "moments." When going to an event, a concert, a show, a wedding, WHATEVER everyone has their phone out. We all watch everything through our phones. WHY? Put it down. Embrace the moment that you, that WE are experiencing!
By no means am I trying to upset anyone, but I hope that people think about what they are doing.
My children see EVERYTHING that I do. So why do I want them to see me always on a phone, laptop, computer, even a watch!? I hope that they see the importance of conversation skills, reading an actual book, playing in the dirt and everything else magical that is so simple. SImplicity is fabulous! What is the old theory....buy a kid a toy and they'll be happy for days...with the box...
We don't need all this constant stimulation of sales, specials, screens, posts, IM's, PM's and everything else that we are so used to....
Here is my own pledge to myself. Put down the phone, get up, go enjoy moments. Make memories that last in your head. Make memories that you can laugh about and just remember the experience.
Andy and I rarely get to enjoy any time alone so when we do it is amazing. We talk, we hold hands, we get to enjoy a meal without passing a baby back and forth and we actually get to be with one another. Sadly though when we are out and about all I see is people with their faces buried in their phones. Whether it is the new fad of "pokemon go" or people just getting lost in the endless scrolling of Facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat and whatever else there is to get lost in; people are just GONE. There is no interaction unless it is through some sort of message, email or text.
I hate to date myself here but, when I was growing up there were no phone calls allowed after a certain time. We didn't answer the phone during dinner. We most for sure were expected to interact and converse with the people we were with.
Even now as an adult I find myself getting "lost" in social media. Running my personal Jamberry business is something that actually has made me mindful of the time I spend looking at a screen. I personally have my own little routine that makes me limit mindless scrolling. It makes me sad that a group of adults can't sit in a room without one person or more constantly checking their phone. What happened to good old conversation and live interaction between people?
Then just look at "moments." When going to an event, a concert, a show, a wedding, WHATEVER everyone has their phone out. We all watch everything through our phones. WHY? Put it down. Embrace the moment that you, that WE are experiencing!
By no means am I trying to upset anyone, but I hope that people think about what they are doing.
My children see EVERYTHING that I do. So why do I want them to see me always on a phone, laptop, computer, even a watch!? I hope that they see the importance of conversation skills, reading an actual book, playing in the dirt and everything else magical that is so simple. SImplicity is fabulous! What is the old theory....buy a kid a toy and they'll be happy for days...with the box...
We don't need all this constant stimulation of sales, specials, screens, posts, IM's, PM's and everything else that we are so used to....
Here is my own pledge to myself. Put down the phone, get up, go enjoy moments. Make memories that last in your head. Make memories that you can laugh about and just remember the experience.
Agreed! Though since I do often put my phone out of sight, I often get in trouble for not replying or answering in a timely manner. Can't win 'em all