Being a Grown Up

Sometimes being a grown up really stinks....I mean let's be real; sometimes it sucks. Today is one of those days. The day when you wake up and wish it was just not that day.

In general I am a very positive person. I try not to complain, get negative or let stilly things bother is not that day.

Yes I know that this is how life works and you just have to roll with it.

A couple things
1. Do your job! Be nice and no your job well. Don't be a jerk. Don't be rude. Most importantly don't make other people feel like less of a person because they can't do your job.

2. Be helpful. It takes NOTHING to put a smile on your face and be of help to someone else. IT actually will make both you and the person you are helping feel better. (For the most part)

3. THINK. I feel like with all the social media outlets today people are quick to jump on one another. Quick to throw in their ideas and opinions. Quick to blame everyone else...Take a step back and realize that we are all human. Errors happen. There is only so much one person can do at a time...

4. Have some grace. I learned this saying when Oliver was born. Everything needs a little grace. There will be some disappointments but again with all the immediate gratification of today too many people have lost the ability to give each other some grace.....Also known as patience.

With the rain pounding on the roof and the complete lack of sunshine today I vow to make my own. I am going to slap a smile on my face and move out of this horrible mood.
Being a grown up is hard.....But we don't get to just have a temper tantrum and then go back to playing with blocks....We have to move on and be a grown up.

THank you


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