Week in Review

A day late but worth the wait.

I worked ALOT last week. To my own mental detriment I believe actually. Again I was exposed to more things I wish I had not been. There is a "game" of sorts that is all over the country and runs wild in STL.

The "Knockout Game." (this was not my patient)

It seems that a group of 12-18 year old kids will gather, target a lone victim and beat them until they fall to the ground. I sadly, was made vividly aware of such savage acts this past weekend. The person I speak of came in by ambulance. Was a homeless person that had been sleeping in the park when the group of kids playing this "game" struck the him over the head with a brick until falling to the ground. In an effort to be heroic my patient used himself as a shield over another person being attacked by a group. To say I was shocked is an understatement. These groups of kids target homeless, elderly, lone individuals and prey on them for sport...for fun. HOW INSANE!!! Little to no arrests have been made and these acts continue!

Things like this make me sad for humanity. What are people thinking? Why would you every do something so cruel, harsh, and truly mean? Boredom??? get a life, a job, a hobby that doesn't involve abuse!

To say that this was the low point of my weekend is sadly, not the truth. This job is a little more demanding then ones I have had in the past. More heart-wrenching and sad. The people that I work with have a tougher skin than I have, sadly they have been doing this kind of nursing for a long time. Some emotion is good...

I find myself struggling with the attitudes of some of the people I encounter at work. Patients and staff alike. No one is better than anyone else. Doctors being arrogant and pompous come off as un-caring and un-passionate to people they are there to "take care" of. Nurses being more pre-occupied with their bar plans for after work. Patients thinking that they can speak to staff as though we are their servants. These things are not 100% of the people that I come into contact with....If it happens more than once a day it sticks with you. In this position it is happening all the time...

 I believe, I hope that I am making a difference. That I help those who think they aren't or can't be helped. I hope....I will keep being the person that I am. I will keep learning and experiencing things with the intent on making people better.  Maybe my positive outlook and belief in the good of people will rub off on others. (I would like to say that I am not blind to hate in the world. I am not blind to the bad that happens. I truly want to believe that good outweighs bad.)

The week capped off on a high note! My husband, my love and I went to visit some amazing friends. (Our other half as we often call them) A wonderful lunch on a warm sunny day. Laughs, conversation and just peace. Later Andy and I went for a bite and some "us time." He has this remarkable way of putting things into perspective for me....Yes, my job is gut and heart-wrenching often...true, but I get to be held in the arms and heart of my partner. I have a wonderful life.


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