Blue Bonnet....Butter stick...BB...
Andy and I have worked with many pups over the course of our traveling. Andy is amazing at working with them! It is like he understands things on a level that most don't.The calm sense of a pack leader with every and any dog that we encounter whether on a walk with our own little pack or passing my another pup.
We all are guilty of the sweet baby talk to cute little pups and the over-reacting when giving a command to an un-ruly pup. The truth is, dogs are simple. We encourage leadership and the teachings to create a calm submissive dog.
We all are guilty of the sweet baby talk to cute little pups and the over-reacting when giving a command to an un-ruly pup. The truth is, dogs are simple. We encourage leadership and the teachings to create a calm submissive dog.
SO....Andy and I formed a little plan to help. This way we can help people in our neighborhoods all over the country as well as friends and family. P4P has been something that has really left an impact on the dogs we have helped. The transformation is amazing! Most importantly we have been able to really help a couple dogs that we known to be "hopeless."

This weekend we began fostering yet another little lady. You guessed it her name is "Blue Bonnet." Not much is known about her. From what the shelter has told us she was part of the "butter clan." A small pack of 3 dogs (named Parkay, Blue Bonnet, and Butter) that have never been socialized with other dogs, are afraid of everything, and have never walked on a leash. In the first few moments of meeting her she had an accident, cowered in the corner and shook uncontrollably. It is sad to see such anxiety in anyone, let alone a dog that knows nothing else. I wanted to pick her up and cuddle her, most people would, instead we started out on her first walk....Success. She didn't get it 100% but she is a submissive little lady who followed pretty well.
We got the extremely over-weight lady in the car and our new pack member joined our home..As of this morning we have not had an indoor accident (YAY, fingers crossed), we have had one or two little spats between her and Mr. B, and her fears are still present although not as much. This afternoon she played and jumped joyfully with Mr B, she walks well on the leash and is getting more and more pleasant everyday! I can't wait to see what kind of personality this little BB has in store for us. Training will continue and soon she will be ready to be a great addition to a new family.
It is so pleasurable for us to help these pups and sad as well. It is hard to give so much love and attention to a being that you will hand off. I like to think that this is part of my mission to "change the world." Even though I want to keep every dog we have helped, I like thinking that they are in a place that no-one thought those dogs would ever get to.
Daisy Mae, Squints, Juniper, BB, and all the other nameless pups we have helped, thank you!
If you would like any help with fostering, adoption, or even with your own four-legged friend let us know! There are tons of rescues out there that are in dire need of help.
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