Ski Weekend

After a long drive out, we made it to Vail! It was not what either one of us was expecting...I mean there was NO snow! Surrounded by mountains the scenery was more of desert like than a ski destination. Either way, the hotel was amazing! Almost empty it felt as though we were the only two people staying in this glorious place of comfort and warmth. Truly amazing!
In the early morning we woke and got ready to "hit the slopes." I have never skied. I am someone who has a hard time relaxing and just going with the flow. So, much like surfing, skiing was a challenge. Again my love, my husband was WONDERFUL! Taking the time to teach me, hold my hand and help me up the two times I fell he never was anything but awesome!
 I braved the chair lift! YAY!
After the first day came to a close we relaxed by the fire in our room and just were in such comfort. When the morning came I wasn't looking forward to getting back into those horrid boots or to be facing the edge of mountain. Like always without fail Andy held my hand and guided me through it. I didn't get to the top of the mountain, but I did let go. I trusted more than I ever have. Not in someone else, but myself...that I would be able to finish and get down the hill....AND I DID! With a couple bumps, some bruises, VERY sore legs and a tired emotional state I made it. With the encouragement and the love of my life right next to me!

Finishing our runs with a cold beer and the HOT sun was a great end to the days of skiing. One day we will return and I will trust that I can get down the steep side of the hill. I have learned so many things about myself, my own strength and all the silliness that I embody. Just like in skiing, in life we fall and we have to get up...sometimes you need a hand, sometimes a the end if you get up and keep going you get to where you want to be.

Thank you to everything...


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