Harder than you think

While constant moving is always fun and entertaining, there are negatives. Yes I get to live all over the country, see places that most don't, and I get to do all of this with my best friend, my partner, my husband.
I shouldn't be upset, I have a home, love, food, clothing, warmth...That should be more than enough.
Occasionally I get blinded by the "things" that I believe I need and or want. Or I fixate on things of no regard or importance. Andy, my love is always right there to remind me of what is really important.

Watching a movie the other night with my love, "The awakenings" I had a moment of pure clarity.A movie about being "asleep" for a length time and then waking up, sounds simple right? It wasn't, it was sad, uplifting, emotional and painful all at the same time. Watching what many people take for granted. Realizing that so many things go un-noticed and un- appreciated, it was hard to watch. Like many others I take for granted so many things. The beauty of the world that surrounds me, the smell of the air so clean and fresh....the ability to walk, talk, touch, hold hands and so many other things. As I cried through the majority of the film, I had a constant important feeling. The feeling of my love's hand holding me, comforting me and reminding me of what is really important.

Sometimes I wish I could just walk hand in hand with my love (Bishop too) and just be. Be there with them, in the moment. With no worry, no care. At least about nothing of insignificance. Shouldn't we all want that? Shouldn't that be the focus on life. Appreciating the most important things, which really aren't things at all. People, relationships, nature, the world, I could mention a million more experiences that are important. Who cares about the "trends" of fashion, the "in" purse, the "fancy car," at the end of the day the hand I hold as I drift to sleep is what is important. I know when I wake I will see that person, feel that love and remember that as long as we do things together and appreciate what is there THAT is the important part.

I may have to remind myself to re-read this on days that I forget.


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