Early Mornings and Coffee


I was chatting with a friend last night and she said something SO perfect! She said "Love them with every breath in my body <3, they make life interesting."

Truer words have never been written my dear friend.

In one day my children make me laugh, cry, roll my eyes, walk away, play, giggle, re-think life and just about any other feeling and or emotion that there is.

Let's have a quick look at this morning:

Andy's alarm goes off at 0515 for his hockey game. He presses snooze.

Oliver wakes at 0517 screaming.

Andy tries to comfort him and hand Oli over to me so he can go to his game.

Oliver screams.

We lay in bed. Andy calms him down. Andy leaves

Oliver now thinks it is time to wake up....it is 0525 in the morning!

We lay there for a few more minutes until I finally give in that he will not be returning to restful slumber and we get up. Usually, my normal routine includes waking up, working out, showering and then heading down stairs to get the million things done that I need to do before kiddos wake up. This morning however Oli helped me skip my work out, actually put makeup on, get dressed and then sweetly woke up his brother.

The coffee was made instantly upon entering the kitchen.

It is now 0628.

Both boys are playing trains on the floor with their morning snacks.

While they are playing I will attempt to finish this and drink my coffee.



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