Bee Stings, Popcorn, and Beer
Strange title for today's little ramble....While we were vacationing our life resembled our normal day-to-day...Let's be real; when you have little people the idea of kicking back on vacation with a beer and sleeping whenever you want is a sweet memory, not reality. Back to this morning.
The kids slept in (7:11am) and we got up, did our thing and headed out for our normal "family walk" with our dogs. Our oldest Gus, is a little bit sensitive. He gets scared easily. So this morning we walked by a bee and well Gus got spooked. I swatted it away, or so I thought. Then I saw it...It was hanging out on the back of his shirt collar and down it must have went. Minutes later I hear "why is everything always biting me" as Gus is screaming about. We take his shirt off and out falls a bee; leaving behind 6 separate sting marks. Needless to say our family walk was cut short. We rushed home, got some ice and took care of him.
While this is going on at the house Oliver, our youngest is running around hysterical because he believes it would be a good idea to have popcorn for breakfast. I don't agree with that meal plan.
Andy handles Oli.
I handle Gus....being the nurse and all. (making pancakes was a great distraction for him. He quietly sat on the counter, holding his ice packs telling me "it hurts so so bad.")
We sit down for breakfast and we are on vacation so Andy has a beer....Oli then needs to "cheers" every 26 seconds with his "beer." Then when he asks to hold the bottle of beer well, tears ensued at the answer of "no" from Papa. Breakfast is now over.

We swim
We snack (on popcorn and graham crackers)
We eat lunch
We play
Oli Naps (I work during this time)
Now it is nearing the end of naptime. G's bee stings are much better as he sits and eats popcorn watching "one of my shows." Oli is napping and hopefully will be less upset about his lack of popcorn and beer when he wakes.
We will swim
We will snack
We will eat dinner
The children will go to bed ( I will work during this time)
Andy and I will fall asleep attempting to watch a movie
This is vacation as an adult with two little ones. A day full of moments that make you crazy in the moment; but five minutes later make you laugh out loud.
*Oli doesn't get to drink beer. He thinks all liquids not in his cup are beer.
The kids slept in (7:11am) and we got up, did our thing and headed out for our normal "family walk" with our dogs. Our oldest Gus, is a little bit sensitive. He gets scared easily. So this morning we walked by a bee and well Gus got spooked. I swatted it away, or so I thought. Then I saw it...It was hanging out on the back of his shirt collar and down it must have went. Minutes later I hear "why is everything always biting me" as Gus is screaming about. We take his shirt off and out falls a bee; leaving behind 6 separate sting marks. Needless to say our family walk was cut short. We rushed home, got some ice and took care of him.
While this is going on at the house Oliver, our youngest is running around hysterical because he believes it would be a good idea to have popcorn for breakfast. I don't agree with that meal plan.
Andy handles Oli.
I handle Gus....being the nurse and all. (making pancakes was a great distraction for him. He quietly sat on the counter, holding his ice packs telling me "it hurts so so bad.")
We sit down for breakfast and we are on vacation so Andy has a beer....Oli then needs to "cheers" every 26 seconds with his "beer." Then when he asks to hold the bottle of beer well, tears ensued at the answer of "no" from Papa. Breakfast is now over.

We swim
We snack (on popcorn and graham crackers)
We eat lunch
We play
Oli Naps (I work during this time)
Now it is nearing the end of naptime. G's bee stings are much better as he sits and eats popcorn watching "one of my shows." Oli is napping and hopefully will be less upset about his lack of popcorn and beer when he wakes.
We will swim
We will snack
We will eat dinner
The children will go to bed ( I will work during this time)
Andy and I will fall asleep attempting to watch a movie
This is vacation as an adult with two little ones. A day full of moments that make you crazy in the moment; but five minutes later make you laugh out loud.
*Oli doesn't get to drink beer. He thinks all liquids not in his cup are beer.
I can so picture this.... Love you