Changes are a comin

Well in normal fashion we have a million changes all happening at once. I think that my head is going to explode.
BRB: Have to email someone before I forget.

Ok, done.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, that I have a zillion tedious little things that are going on....Does anyone else start to think that they are losing their minds when this happens? The list of mailing things, emailing someone, calling someone, signing up, planning this, doing that....When it gets out of hand do you start to lose it?

I know that part of this anxiety is largely in part due to the fact that we are headed to another contract. All the same questions are running through my head.
What will the hospital be like?
What will the patient load be like?
Where do I park?
Where do I put my lunch and coat?
What will be co-workers be like?
Will I fit in?
Will it be fun?
What color scrubs shall I wear?

Some of the a-fore-mentioned questions may seem silly but they are really important to the way the shift flows.
This morning Andy and I were discussing the adventures and experiences that I have had over the past 2 years traveling around from hospital to hospital. Some good, some bad, some glorious. That being said, lots of memories were made and experiences had. Andy thinks I should be keeping track of everything that has happened and write a "tell-all" type book to open people's eyes to the way a nurse is treated (as well as how doctors act, co-workers are with one another and all the other goings on of the hospital ER setting)...Both the good and the not so good.
I have to admit that the conversation this morning sparked something that occasionally comes to mind. What if I did? Not in some negative, bitchy and upset fashion but more of, HEY, this is what it is like? Who knows.
Traveling is so much fun, I have a blast with Andy. The road trips getting from one place to another are always something special. We have gotten to see some miraculous and amazing sights driving all over the country. I wouldn't take those back for a second. To be honest, Andy and I look forward to being in the car with one another for 18+ hours at a time. It finally gives us both the time to un-wind as we head to the new place.
So when early Monday morning is here, I will grab my cup of coffee, pack things into our road trip car and head as we leave Saint Louis behind and head for Portland.

I feel slightly better now....back to my to-do list. :)


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