Being Dismissed- Does it lead to Opening Doors?

Last week I shared with you all a little bit about my dismissal from my healthcare team. Let's be real...there were ALOT of tears and emotions last week. Having someone - anyone- make you feel like what you are saying is not real is beyond frustrating. 

Then a door opened.

I have many friends who can relate to the situation that I am in. One in particular has really listened to me through this experience. She really listened and didn't dismiss anything I was saying.  At the end of the conversation she asked...."Do you want me let you talk or do you want me to suggest something?" This RARELY happens. Most people, myself included, are quick to try and be fixers. So it took me a second. I really thought about what I needed in that moment and ultimately she shared with me. 

In comes "The Plan"

To be honest when she started to talk about this I was not interested (Sorry Rachel)- I was actually turned off by following something structured. Then, something happened. The realization that the world around us tells us (women) that we need to fix things NOW.  Everything is labeled "healthy" or "bad." Everything is considered being "good" or "bad." I purchased the audio book, and man- I was wrong. The reason that there are 1 million diets out there is that there are millions of different people, and food affects everyone differently.  Nothing is actually "good" or "bad" but we have lost the ability to listen to our body when it says that we aren't ok. There is no one size fits all option- instead we need to do the work to know our bodies.

The Plan consists of a 20 day plan. It is 20 days to understand how different foods effect your body. Multiple times throughout the book the author explains that there should be nothing that is ever off limits, but if we understand the chemical reaction our bodies have to specific foods we can be better equipped for physical symptoms when we eat something our body doesn't like.  Does that make sense?

I mentioned this to Andy and to my shock, he was like "yes, let's do this." Andy has always been incredibly supportive but doing this with me is something I didn't expect. He has also not been feeling great and wants to understand his own health a bit better.

We are on Day 3. 
Day 1 was hard- a lot harder than I thought. I was tired, had a headache, and was hungry. 
Day 2 a bit better. 
Day 3, I feel good. I would say better than good. I have more energy and am sleeping super well. 
With 17 days left it feels so doable still. I am looking forward to more!  

I am not sure if this is something people want to hear about- if you do- let me know and I can do a deep dive into what it entails and what we are doing. 

Until then friends- lets heal ourselves



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