Mind dump

I have sat down a handful of times to write a new post and this, that, or the other thing has stopped me. In truth, sometimes when I am sitting on the floor watching my little boy grow up, in front of my eyes, I wish that I could dictate a post. It is a cliche some would say, but watching him is miraculous. He is so entertaining...Yes I am one of those moms. I love watching him learn....Anything from crawling, to walking, to pulling himself up and falling down. His personality is blossoming in front of us and I get the pleasure to see him everyday.
I could write the typical posts about his ever growing cute-ness but instead I just want to write what it is...

   I have been working out a lot. Trying to get back into the habit of working out everyday. I am not looking to get "skinny" or anything outward...I want my son to see that it is important to be active everyday. That being healthy and active isn't something you should "work" at but rather something that is a consistent part of normal life. A few months back I started and then stopped a 90 challenge. I could come up with a million reasons as to why I didn't complete it but the truth is, I was afraid to succeed at it.
  Enough of that self loathing thought. Instead I am making it a priority. There are bumps along any road but the adventure is in the journey. My husband and I have traveled all over the place and nothing goes as planned but it is still always fun. So I am on day 8 of the 90 challenge. Finished my workout a little bit ago while Gus was napping...It was fun and I look forward to tomorrow.

    Andy and I moved from our little loft in STL to a house! YAY for us! It has been fun to see this place as a blank canvas. I sometimes play on the floor with Gus and get ideas of what we can do to put some "us" in this place. Our goal is to re-do one room a visit. If it happens it happens but if not we still have our home. A place to be comfy and watch our little man grow whether it is in Ethel or...ALBEE.

   Life has its ups and downs. As always. I choose to be happy. It is easy to fall into negativity but I think it is more contagious to be positive. If someone is smiling at you well, it is hard to frown in their face. I want things to be "perfect" doesn't everyone? But the truth is that the idea of perfection is flawed. The beauty of things is in their own imperfections. I can have a plan for everyday but it should be a list of goals for each day, not a schedule to keep. Each day I get to enjoy my little family and form new memories. What could be better?


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