Health and Wellness
The past couple weeks I have been really focusing on health and wellness. Like I mentioned before this is not a "diet" or anything to have a quick fix, rather something that will change my life for the better. So for the past three weeks I have been eating better, exercising regularly, jogging with the dogs, and basically just fueling my body. You know what...I feel better. I sleep better at night, I have tons more energy throughout the day and I am generally in a better mood. I look forward to making different meals and trying new workouts. I actually think Gus is starting to notice. While I am working out he will crawl on my back during a plank or pushup and he loves to bounce while I am doing jumping jacks. I hope as he grows he will see that exercise and eating a balanced diet is important.
A little info on me...
I am not someone who eats fast food, candy, chips, drinks soda, juice or eats fried food. The majority of searches to change your diet tell you to cut out the previous mentioned....I can't cut out what I don't eat. Instead I have been focusing on eating fresh vibrant colored veggies and lean proteins. Cutting back on processed foods and things that come from a box.
Many people know that about a decade ago I lost and have kept off somewhere between 80-100lbs. Here is something that I have said over and over...It doesn't stop. It doesn't get easier. I have never gotten to weight or a state of being and thought, "Hey I'm done." Nope it is a lifelong journey. That is the way it should be. A lifelong process, a commitment to keeping yourself happy and healthy. There are no quick fixes and all these fad diets come and go but the truth is that eating right and being active are the things your body needs.
I have always kept an eye out for ways to improve what I feed boy myself and my family. Below are just a few of the documentaries about America's food industries that I have watched and have said something to me. I don't agree with 100% of the things that are said in the movies but I do agree with the fact that we as a whole have gotten away from what is important. I like to watch something like this every once in awhile to remind me that the basics are what I need focus on. Even if I have only learned one thing in each of the movies, it is still one thing that has improved what I ingest and more importantly what I will teach my son to eat.

Watch one, watch two, watch them all. There are dozens. Some of the information is a little far out there for me but the basics are all in there.
As I watch these movies and think about everything...Simplistic life seems more and more appealing to me. Farmers markets, local organic meats, homegrown and home cooking...Anyone who knows me, knows I love to visit a farmers market, to see and support local organic farmers. I have this little hope in the back of my mind that as the world becomes more and more aware of what we eat and what is in our food that people will focus more on the simplistic way of life. Until then I am already looking forward to planting my garden this summer....maybe even getting a couple chickens....
A little info on me...
I am not someone who eats fast food, candy, chips, drinks soda, juice or eats fried food. The majority of searches to change your diet tell you to cut out the previous mentioned....I can't cut out what I don't eat. Instead I have been focusing on eating fresh vibrant colored veggies and lean proteins. Cutting back on processed foods and things that come from a box.
Many people know that about a decade ago I lost and have kept off somewhere between 80-100lbs. Here is something that I have said over and over...It doesn't stop. It doesn't get easier. I have never gotten to weight or a state of being and thought, "Hey I'm done." Nope it is a lifelong journey. That is the way it should be. A lifelong process, a commitment to keeping yourself happy and healthy. There are no quick fixes and all these fad diets come and go but the truth is that eating right and being active are the things your body needs.
I have always kept an eye out for ways to improve what I feed boy myself and my family. Below are just a few of the documentaries about America's food industries that I have watched and have said something to me. I don't agree with 100% of the things that are said in the movies but I do agree with the fact that we as a whole have gotten away from what is important. I like to watch something like this every once in awhile to remind me that the basics are what I need focus on. Even if I have only learned one thing in each of the movies, it is still one thing that has improved what I ingest and more importantly what I will teach my son to eat.

Watch one, watch two, watch them all. There are dozens. Some of the information is a little far out there for me but the basics are all in there.
As I watch these movies and think about everything...Simplistic life seems more and more appealing to me. Farmers markets, local organic meats, homegrown and home cooking...Anyone who knows me, knows I love to visit a farmers market, to see and support local organic farmers. I have this little hope in the back of my mind that as the world becomes more and more aware of what we eat and what is in our food that people will focus more on the simplistic way of life. Until then I am already looking forward to planting my garden this summer....maybe even getting a couple chickens....
I would love to plant a garden and will be looking into some place local to do that soon. Oh chickens!! That would be awesome, but would have to wait at this point. Thank you for the inspiration. I have fallen back into all the foods you should avoid big time.