2012 in, thus far

I was thinking about the last year. So much has happened and like every year before it has flown by. It feels as though the New Year was yesterday.

About a year ago Andy and I were finishing up our plans for a simple sweet wedding on the beach in LB and getting ready for a drive to Colorado.

Here is a little breakdown of the year...(starting a little earlier than NYE)

Christmas Eve: Andy and I got married. A wonderful day that truly was magical! I still remember moments of that day that take my breathe away.

Christmas Day: We spent the day having a blast with Andy's parents at our little beach cottage in LB.

By NYE we were all moved in and settled in Colorado where we spent 8 weeks, kind of like our little "honeymoon"

Come February we were driving all over again. Started in Colorado and hit up Texas on the way back to Ethel for the first time and working on the daunting task that is the "upstairs"

March we moved into our new loft in STL and I started my job at the busiest trauma center I have ever worked. I learned so much about trauma, true emergent medication and emergent care...All while working with some amazing nurses.

In April Andy took me to Beaver Creek Co again to go skiing for the first time. It was a beautiful and truly picturesque trip.

May and June were months spent working ALOT for both of us. Both at our normal jobs and also working with our new neighbors and their troubled dogs. We then were introduced to who would soon become part of our family....Miss Bomber...the dog.

July we were back in the car driving to the opposite side of the country all over again. Oregon here we come. We drove through wild fires, Mount Rushmore and some truly remarkable places in the country. Oregon was an amazing and difficult experience. Andy and I had friends in the area and I guess we both were expecting a little different experience than what we actually had. Oh well, it was amazing. The down sides were hard though. Working nights again was hard enough, then we found out the greatest news...we were expecting!  I met some amazing friends and wonderful co-workers. As always the people made it difficult to leave the new hospital. While in Oregon we both balanced traveling back and forth to STL and even got a couple great weekend trips in. Some of which included, Vancouver BC, Seattle WA, Mount Hood for some camping and Vegas for a meeting for Andy.

Andy's parents came out to visit us and we got to announce that we were expecting to them. Again, we packed up the car and headed home to Ethel, for some MUCH needed down time! Our drive home was UN-real! We took a long way home with multiple stops. Yellowstone, Glacier Park, Montana  Fargo, Minneapolis. Like usual Andy was awesome and every stop was planned and fun. Our last night we even took in a show and saw Louis CK. Our last stop was a drive to my parents house where we got to announce to them that we were pregnant...

Since then the time has literally flown by. We have spent time in Ethel and in STL. I have been working in both places and even got to start working with my good friend Lisa at her store "A Baby Naturally." Andy and I have been getting ready for Baby Dubs to arrive and finishing the "upstairs" at Ethel. In a few days we will celebrate our first wedding anniversary. I know I know, technically 2012 has way more in store! It's true, but today felt like a great day to look at where we have been in the last year and what is still to come. No worries, I will add any updates to what occurs in the next 10 days of 2012. 


  1. Oh my the year has gone by so fast! I wish we could see and hang out with the two of you! I wish you the greatest happiness in the world, but it does sound like you have truly found it! Love you and miss you!


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