Am I doing something wrong??
Is there something else I should be doing?
The same questions run through my head about a million different and separate topics. Family, work, cooking, cleaning, crafting, whatever...I find myself constantly seconding myself and wondering the "what if" about everything.
I feel as though I am constantly challenging my own comfort zones. Even still I wish I could let go even more. To stop worrying about the things that don't have significance and re-focus on what I know to be important.
I am not a wanter of "things." I don't collect anything and I don't keep many things. If think I might want something, by the time I get around to talking myself into it, I don't want it anymore. Often I find this trait of mine weird. I am not generalizing women but most like purses, clothing, shoes, jewelry...As do I but I like "found" things. Something as simple as a great deal, shopping in my own closet and even re-purposing things! I get a sense of accomplishment of finding how to re-purpose things or how to recycle something.
AHA! This topic makes me feel so conflicted.
I am going to eat some popcorn...
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