Question and Answer Time!

My friend Amy over at Fabulous, Healthy, & Loving it asked me to participate in this little "getting to know you" type thing...So here goes.

1. What encouraged you to begin blogging?
Well the answer is complicated. I have always kept a "journal" or something similar. You know a little notebook that I would jot things down in randomly. Nothing regimented or regular, just simple and organic. Over time i would start reading little bits and pieces of it to my friends, family and of late, my husband. So that is the writing side of it....Blogging itself was very foreign to me, my cousin Althea though has had a blog for some time. I have always enjoyed reading hers and it made me feel like I was keeping up on her life a bit more than "Life as a nurs" was born. Thanks to some encouragement from her.

2. What is your favorite healthy go to snack?
I love fruit. I usually have a piece or two in my bag at all times as well as some almonds...

3. What is your guilty pleasure?
 Bread...Oh how I love carbs and all things bread and tasty. The crusty and hard crust and the soft yummy inside. AMAZING...

4.What is your healthy week night meal?
 I enjoy cooking so I often times try new things and new recipes. Soups are a staple. Cooked veggies and some protein is also another great on hand things. One of my favorite things to do is use what is in my fridge and create something tasty!

5.Tell us what you do for a living?
I am a traveling ER nurse. I have been a nurse for about 6 years now. Started off in the pediatric side of the emergency room and a couple years ago started the great adventure that is traveling. I get the pleasure of working new places all the time and seeing what it is like all over the country in different types of emergency rooms...

6.How did you meet your significant other?
Well our story is fun...but most people say that right!!!! I would love to share it with every single person, but it is something that really is special to my husband and I...something we keep for ourselves...Let's just say I met a man who was my friend...he then became my best friend....fell in love with him and found a partner...time passed and I married my love.

7. How do you keep your weight off??
Let me tell you it is a struggle every day. I don't eat fast food, I don't eat fried food, I don't drink soda, so it is frustrating when you read all the "keep it off" articles that state to avoid the above mentioned. I try to work out, although recently have had NO drive to do so. I eat a very healthy, clean diet that is full of fruits and vegetables. I try to eat every 3 hours to keep hunger at bay. I will admit that it is something I focus time on every single day. It will always be at the forefront of my mind...but I want to be the healthiest that I can be. I find it to be like a journey....something that never ends but can be exciting at times.

8.What is your dream vacation?
 I have been blessed with many wonderful and exciting vacations in my life. I would love to go on so many more...Truth is, the trips that we take are always amazing! Bora Bora, travel through Europe, anything I guess??

9.Tell us about your workout routine?
Usually I have days focused on chest/arms, legs, shoulders/back, core...each one of those days is using free weights and my own body weight. In addition to those days I try to do 20-30 minutes of cardio with the circuits that Andy and I put together. Some weeks I might skip one or two of those days and do yoga or run with our dogs...Really it changes all the time. The importance is that I feel good about what I am doing.

10. Tell us your usual daily food consumption?
Breakfast: greek yogurt with berries and a banana.
Snack: cheese stick and almonds
Lunch: Veggie burger (trader joes masala burger), a green salad with tomatoes, and an apple
Snack: Luna Bar (the chocolate covered coconut...oh so good)
Dinner: Spaghetti squash with sauteed mushrooms, peppers, onions, spinach and some chicken sausage. A small green salad.
Snack:piece of fruit or veggies.

Varies with day to day stuff of course. Thanks Amy! That was fun.


  1. Miss you and your honesty... You have always known who you were and what was needed to be happy...

  2. I really like this post-and I am glad you started a blog, so I can keep up with your life!!


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