Currently/ Review

Sitting at home on beautiful morning with my husband, my love... a pretty normal occurrence on any given day! Such is life right?

I have gotten the work out bug again and man, did I miss it! The last couple days working out with Andy have been pretty awesome. Getting that "burn" that I have been missing for so long. Being healthy is really important to me. I want to do what is best for my body, mind and spirit. I tend to be a little more obsessive than I should when it comes to the way I eat and the mistakes that I may make. I don't forgive myself well and that makes it hard for me to move on. That being said, I am really trying to move on from that mind set. Two days is a start and I feel good...

I am super proud of my mom as well! She is really working hard on being healthy. Eating right, working out and giving it her all. It is hard to take the first couple steps towards being healthy.

Only 4 more shifts left on this contract and it is bittersweet. The emotions that go through my mind while at each place are all different. Each facility teaches me new things and grants me the opportunity to learn and see different patients, staff and hospitals. Becoming part of the staff is a bonus and making friends at each place is truly a gift. Honestly each contract facility has things that I miss and people I love working with...some more than others.
Being in STL I have seen things that amaze and dumb-found me. Like any other place I leave here with tons of stories, good and bad and even more important tons of experience. Experience makes it sound so robotic, professional or something...but it isn't that. It is the experiences of holding people's hands, working and trusting my co-workers, knowing is the little things that make the experience.
I will miss the people I have grown to trust and be-friend. Thank you STL. Here is to 4 more shifts, may they be calm and entertaining at the same time.

Listening to:
Pandora is a little gift at work. I don't run the risk of losing anything personal or expensive. Today I was in a "beck" mood. So that is my play list. A good mix of Beck, The Black Keys, Cake, Spoon, modest Mouse...A good mix.
I have also really been enjoying the "She and Him" station on Pandora. Light-hearted and simple lyrics with a little urge to twirl in my kitchen.

I have been working a lot. Between my two jobs I get the time to think about what I really enjoy, or as a friend Carol said, what gives me passion. Obviously I love my husband...I love spending time with him and I cherish every moment. Sounds corny, but I would rather sit on the couch and do nothing with him than anything else.

I really miss cooking!!! Oh how I want to hide in my kitchen and cook all day one day. Soups, pastas, veggies, baking. You name it I want to try. I went shopping the other day and picked up a bunch of ingredients and I look forward to when I get to make them...Maybe Friday?? Let's hope


These are the shoes I wear 90% of the time at work. We have walked many steps together. I try others and always come back...Thank you for supporting me and all my journeys for long days. I have a secret, I would wear them everyday if I didn't know what I potentially walked through at work...GROSS


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