26 before 30

There are so many things that I would like to accomplish. Small and large. Who knows when the opportunities will arise, but I am hoping to accomplish 26 before I turn 30 (I only thought of 26). Giving me just under 2 years it shouldn't be that hard...well lets hope so. It's funny. I walk past stores and think "I should go in there" but continue walking. I look at things to try and "next time" pops into my head...
Time to stop...first, to get married..Then the list can get started. I wouldn't want to take on this adventure without my partner. My greatest fan and supporter.

1. Try bubble tea
2. Be more self confident
3. Read 5 books, any books
4. See the Grand Canyon
5. Practice Yoga 1 time per week at least
6. Go to the Vintage store on PCH
7. Go skiing
8. Get my next tattoo (with andy)
9. Make more RRR
10. Bake a lot
11. Get to know my nieces
12. Foster more Dogs with Andy
13. Run another 5K or 10K
14. Improve my spanish
15. Travel to Europe
16. Try Miracle Noodles
17. Stop obssessing and being anxious (as of 5/29 I think I am doing better)
18. See the east coast
19. Stand in Time's Square
20. Visit friends and family all over the country
21. be Happy every day
22. Wake up with a smile on my face
23. focus more time and energy on the things that are important
24. Spoil Andy
25. Go Camping
26. Downsize

Now these are in NO particular order. All are just things or tasks I would like to accomplish in the next 2 years. If one happens before another doesn't mean that was more important. It solely means it got done when there was a chance to do it.


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