I love technology sometimes, but recently I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan. No one really speaks to one another on the phone or in person even. There is no longer the personal touch to a sweet phone call or a handwritten note in the mail...Nope, now it is a text, email, snap, tweet or whatever else that is out there...That is communication today.

I personally feel that it has given people a new "have no fear" outlook. Friends and family cancel at the last minute, people "forget" about appointments, and there is this whole acceptance to it all. It has become easy to ask questions that are a little more personal when you don't have to look at someone in the eye. Even worse people say things on public forums and social media that they would NEVER say if they were face-to-face with someone. When did all this happen?

In addition to all this people still try to use the excuse "I didn't get the" email, text or whatever... COME ON! In today's world of facebook and every other social media there is NO way that people miss a message. So when you don't respond or your "miss" the message you are just being openly rude to someone.

Here is my question:

When did being honest become something that had to be covered by excuses? instead of saying the truth everyone has elaborate stories and excuses to excuse rude behavior that would never have been ok 5 or even 10 years ago. Why not just say something simple "I would rather not, I can't" or just a simple "no thank you?"

Now I am not perfect, I will read an email and forget to respond. It happens...Life happens. I do try to honest and open with everything. I try to put down my phone, give attention and make the time for the important things and people in my life.

Even now you plan something out and 85% of the time it doesn't happen b/c of this, that or the other thing. Maybe I am the only person that feels this way but all of this non-commitment thing makes one person feel un-important and easily dismissed.
Is this part of adult-hood that everyone experiences?

Mind dump over.


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