So the last couple weeks have taken a huge toll on the W family. While traveling I came down with a rocking cold. Thought nothing of it and tried to tough it out...Within a couple days it had morphed into one of the worst bugs I have ever had. You name a symptom and I had it. HORRIBLE

I will share a little secret with you...I am a terrible sick person. I whine, I cry and I am needy....Even writing that out makes me cringe. Normally I am a really independent person. I don't need nor do I want help with things but man-oh-man when I was sick I turned into "that person." (Note to self: WORK ON THIS)

After about 5 days of this bug my Love then came down with the same thing and quickly our little G followed suit. Now almost 2 weeks later we are almost back to normal.

Why am I writing about this? Well because I learned a lot while sick...One thing is that it is ok to ask for help. I tried to tough it out one day and go to work...only to be sent shortly home to bed. Then before my Love was 100% out of the game he took care of everything!  I needed help getting up and around. I couldn't pick up G, couldn't take a dog outside, and couldn't make a meal; making me pretty much useless. So like always he took care of everything and made it seem effortless. A couple days later my parents had planned to come and give Andy and I a much needed day off and instead they took care of our family. Even going to get us essentials....Crackers, Ginger Ale, and toast....the little things that helped a ton.

Another thing I learned is that I crave working out and being healthy. Living on a diet of crackers, gatorade, toast and occasionally ginger ale made me feel human but after a few days I started to feel like a sloth. Today was the first day that I have been back on my nutrition and work out routine. Missing 12 days was ROUGH and TOUGH. You must be thinking...Who cares? I do. It is important to me to take care of myself, my body, my family and all that goes along with it.

Health is a life-long journey. There is no magic pill. There is no finish line. There are goals that we set and goals we achieve. So my goal is currently to focus on feeding my body whole foods that make me feel good about what I am eating and making.....As well as making sure to be active. Challenge myself. Mind, body and soul. It is important!


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