Humble Thanks

Being a woman is a tricky thing. We are told how we should look, dress, do our hair, what to eat, drink and how to be fun, sexy and inspiring all the time. When walking by the magazine rack at the store we are faced with "Top ten ways to...." all the time. There is never anything that just says, "GO YOU!"

My blog post yesterday was very hard for me to publish. Not because of the topic but because it forced me to show a part of me that only my husband gets to see. Me with just a swim suit on. I know, I know everyone posts selfies all the time. But to be vulnerable and really go out there is a risk. At least for me it was.

I have to say I am overwhelmed with the amount of support and encouragement that my friends and family have given me about that post. Thank you. I really needed that  boost and support yesterday. We all have slip ups and days when we just can't get to the gym or eat the way we want. SO WHAT! Accept it and move on. Do something healthy and good for you every day. Even if that is just drinking lots of water...well it is still something.

No matter where you are on your journey to "your body" you are where you are supposed to be. There is no magic time frame that takes you from 0-perfection....Well there is no perfection. We as women should be supporting one another and uplifting each other on our journeys. That doesn't mean go out and binge eat ice cream and cookies together and then say "tomorrow we will be better." No, it means giving women the break they deserve. Try not to judge someone for the choice they may make. Encourage, Teach, Inspire and pass it on to another woman.

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone again! You all will never know what those little typed words, likes and comments mean to me!


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