Like I mentioned in an earlier post it was recently National breastfeeding awareness week and day...Apparently people live in the stone ages and believe that feeding your child is somehow offensive...
First off although our son was a very fussy nurser he HATED being covered up. Who would want to eat with a blanket over them? Not me. Probably not you.
Secondly, I read a blog ( and he said it perfectly! Teenage girls walk around in things that are not more than a bra and underwear and that is not offensive. Rather it is considered "cute" or "adorable." Apparently seeing a portion of a breast that is providing nutrition and comfort to a child makes people uncomfortable.
The following photos may offend some people..(sarcastically written)
Now if I still have your attention....which thank you for being able to continue to read after such horrible photos (please note the DRIPPING sarcasm). Many people have seen the following photos as well, and those are not considered offensive??
Yeah, I want my teenager to wear clothes from here....and...does this photo scream "wear our clothes?"
I personally don't care about the above photos.
Breastfeeding is natural. Yes it is a choice that a woman makes but never should she be told to be "modest" or to cover up. Ridiculous! Since becoming a mother my opinion on this matter has become stronger. You should not feel embarrassed to feed your child because someone may be uncomfortable. There is no reason a mother should have to "hide" in the bathroom and feed her child. Here is a tip for on-lookers...Look away if you are not comfortable! No one ever said you had to watch. Do you like to be watched while eating?
When nursing Gus I always asked people (in my own home mind you) if they were ok with me nursing him and not one person ever said
"Well actually, I think that might get me excited."
"Sara, that is offensive."
Most people scoffed at me for even asking. What is wrong with the world that so many people will be disgusted with a woman nursing her child but celebrities walk around in nothing but a g-string and t-shirt?
Breastfeeding is not sexual. Women aren't trying to show off their breasts and grab every on-lookers attention. Rest assured though, necklines will get lower and lower. Shorts will get shorter and tighter and no one will say that they are upset by it...nope it will be fashionable.
GROW UP..they are breasts!
Thank you for my rant.
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