A little Thanks

At this time of year everyone starts to reflect on all the things in their lives that they are grateful for. People will post endlessly on Facebook about the little things that they are thankful for. Sadly, at least I think it is sad....all this happiness, reflection and thankful sentiments seem to fade come the end of December. Why? Why is it that every year around this time, yes the holidays, everyone takes the time out to tell the people they love "I love you," and to take those precious moments everyday to say thanks? Don't get me wrong, I think it is wonderful to have such positive thoughts emanating from every-ones hearts and minds....but why not all year?
I am so happy and feel so honored to be living the life that I live that I hope it is present in my heart and mind everyday. Yes, there are ups and there are downs...Some days better than the previous and the next....Truly I am thankful everyday. I am healthy, my family is healthy and happy and at the end of each day I get to curl up in a warm bed with the love of my life.

In truth like most I relish in the holidays. I love the gathering of family and friends and the warmth that exudes from people. (I just wish it would last more than a couple months).

Today was our "Thanksgiving" if you will. My parents, sisters family and my little family gathered at our wonderful Ethel and broke bread. Lots of laughter, enjoyment of the kiddos little antics and of course sharing really tasty food.
I woke up especially early this morning. Andy went to play some hockey and I set to work. Cooking, cleaning and just really getting ready for the family event. It was relaxing, soothing and truly cathartic.By the end of the all the prep, cooking and the organizing I was wiped and Andy, as usual was awesome, let me take a little cat nap.
Family arrived and it was a enjoyable and thankful afternoon filled with tasty food and good times.
The meal itself!

A home-made from scratch apple pie
I am not sure why Thanksgiving and the holidays give people the reasons to be happy about the little things, but my goal each and everyday is to remember all the little things that make my life so blessed. I look forward to the upcoming weeks, but also months and years of being thankful and creating more moments of great Joy.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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