Falling into a new rhythm
With the leaves changing and the air more crisp it is my personal favorite time of the year. Fall.

This year, like all the ones previous to it, is different. Much different. We are not walking our kiddos to school and enjoying some quiet time at home during the school day. We are not balancing after school activities and playdates. We are not planning out holidays and family get-togethers as the holiday season is fast approaching.
Instead like so many others we are learning what school will continue to look like virtually. We are sharing space 24/7 with everyone in our family of 5. We are trying to come up with ways to socially distance our "traditional" activities. We are figuring out what the holiday season will look like.
It is all new and truly, isn't going to go back to "normal" anytime soon.
Yes, some of the country is living their "normal" life...We are not. Living in the PNW we are still very much so quarantined from the majority of things. Kids are not in school. Parents are working from home. Families are still not seeing extended members. There aren't playdates.
At times this is very lonely. It is very sad. Maybe even scary. It feels like we are never going to have normal back. Am I alone in that fearful thought?
In an attempt to try and keep things exciting for our kids we have been getting out and about in nature. Planning day trips and little excursions that keep us outside. Apple picking last weekend and a trip to a pumpkin patch this upcoming weekend all in an attempt to continue to make memories with our kiddos.
Sometimes we have glimpses of what feels normal. Sometime we don't. In reality what it feels like is the new normal. This is our new rhythm. It is foreign, feels strange, and to be honest I find myself fighting it more than embracing it.
Maybe it is time to just relax to it. Be ok with the fact that there is no such thing as perfection. That our kiddos are still laughing every day. That our family is together and still making memories. That if it is important we make it happen....Just maybe.
How are you all feeling with the changes?
Cheers friends!
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