I really and truly don't know what to do. I want to scream, yell, and cry. Let's be real- all of those things are happening.
Hate surrounds us.
Our President- Hates
Our Police Forces- Hate (not all but too many)
Our Communities- Hate
Our Neighbors- Hate
Our Families- Hate
All the while our country is in flames and continues to burn.
I don't know what to say or to do. I won't do nothing. I can't.
There are resources being shared that are helpful and I am constantly studying them, and still it isn't enough. I want to educate myself and my family. We have to do better.
Look around you:
Peaceful protests are met with violence, rage, and hatred.
The other night my 7 year old son....yes SEVEN year old son asked what was going on as my phone alarmed for yet another night of a curfew. In order to not scare him or drive the discussion I asked him "What did you know about Black Lives Matter?" He answered and it was very insightful for a kid his age. It was simple but truthful. We had a long and very challenging discussion. At the end we were both crying and he said the most beautiful statement.
"Mama, if everyone looked the same the world would be so boring."
Our 7 year old understands it. He gets it. He sees the beauty in diversity.
Our son has a beautiful love for everything and everyone. He is gentle. He is kind. I don't want him to lose that. I want him to use it.
As I read through social media I am shocked at responses to what is going on. How can you support something or someone that begets hate? #blacklivesmatter is not saying that everyone else doesn't matter. If that is what you think then you need to educate yourself. You need to understand that no matter how POC present themselves they are always met with biases. This is about YOU, it is about them...Turning the narrative around and making it about YOU and "all lives matter" is a slap in the face.
Right now there are 100's of videos showing police brutality aimed at peaceful protesters. Young men and women being pelted with air bullets and tear gas for nothing other than standing there. Men and women being pushed, shoved, hit, run over, stepped on, and so much worse- just for standing there and asking for this brutality to end.
This problem has been going on for far too long. People are being terrorized, hated, brutalized and murdered solely because of the color of their skin.
I am privileged because of my skin. I know that. My privilege also allows me to be able to speak up. to use my voice. To be an alley.
So how do we do this? How do we help? Right now I don't know what to do. The division of equality in our country is shocking. It is in our faces and we must do something. If nothing is done- we are just turning a blind eye. So what is that you can do? How can you stand up and say "ENOUGH" this can't happen.
-Educate yourself
-Have a civil conversation
It isn't the answer but I am starting....Are you?
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