Thoughts, Contemplation, and

Over the past week I have been really thinking alot about a million things...In the past, after G was born I completed 3 rounds of the bikini body mommy 90 challenges and they were AWESOME!!! Seriously! It was the first time that workouts changed my body and were something that were 100% manageable. For the first time I saw huge changes in my body, my strength, and my abilities. The new challenge started a couple weeks ago and I decided to continue with them... 4.0 started...Yup, 25 weeks pregnant and dedicating the next 90 days to working out 6 days a week...There have been some modifications as I am unable to complete some of the movements, but overall I feel great. Truth be told for the past week other than being a little slower moving around I haven't felt that "pregnancy lull." Stay tuned to see how the next 83 days go!

Moving on to thought #649
We were at Albi this past week and our little home-away-from home is really coming together. Yes, only being there once a month makes things a little slow and hard to get done but it is happening. Andy and I are working on getting the kids' (yup they are sharing) done. I think it is going to be awesome. Where is the thought in this? Well here it is....In general people spend 100's if not 1000's of dollars fixing up their homes. Paint, carpets, flooring, cabinets, photos, art, etc....I have struggled with this for as long as I can remember...What is the point? For the longest time I lived in an all white apartment with minimal furniture because I thought money saved or spent else-where was a better idea. Now as an adult I find myself still struggling. We are going to spend this money on such silly things but why? As Andy says it is to make the house a "home," we shall see.  We are doing things a little differently...weird right? (not subtle sarcasm) We decided to take all the paint that we have used at Ethel and bring it to Albi. Also the previous owners at Albi were gracious enough to leave all the paint that they had ever used at the house. So we have re-used some colors in some rooms BUT the best thing...We had some really simple paint tinted another color. Yup for a fraction of the cost home depot will change the color of existing paint!

Thought #46
My grandmother had 10 kids. Constantly we are shown tv shows with "super-sized" families...As we are getting ready for #2 I can't even wrap my head around how my grandmother did it. My grandfather worked all day and she was home with the kids. Yes, I know that the older kids helped with the younger ones but it is still something I don't understand. I miss adult interaction. I crave conversation most days. When Andy gets home I usually talk his ear off until we go to bed (he is a saint for letting me). So I wonder what a day-in-the life looked like for her. Did she have down time? Did she just accept that this was her life and not worry about it? I know she didn't schedule play dates and outings like my generation does so was there just more trust in your kids and people??? I would love to be able to see that.

Thought #359
I really like simple...No, like REALLY like it. I know that currently it is the hip thing to do to be "simple" but I have been like this forever. I like to grow things in the garden, sew clothing, re-purpose used things into new, make household cleaners, create baby skin care things, and so much more. I love to cook and keep my homes for my family and I like our life. Recently I have encountered more questions in regards to my life and my families life choices. So here is my thought....Why does it matter? My family is happy. Truly happy. When I say "I'm living the dream" I mean it. Sure there are things I would change a little here and there but for the most part we are having a blast. Why is it weird to not want chemicals in my home? To not feed my family processed garbage? To not create a ton of waste in our daily lives? I get confused by all this. I am not extreme when it comes to anything at all. There are tons of things that we intend to change still but why so much hesitation and judgement from people?

Thought #811
I can't believe I ever said that I was "so busy" before I had a kid...HA

Thought # 6
I am a really lucky person. Everyone has huge ups and downs in their lives. It happens. It is what life is. I have had my share and all of those ups and downs have brought me to this amazing place that I am in now. Sometimes I wonder if it is all a dream and I am going to wake up and be back in some other place. It isn't though. I love my partner, my husband Andy. He is incredible. Has been since the first day I met him. He is a true best friend. Someone that loves me no matter what and like he said last night "has seen me at my worst" and still was madly in love with me. He and I have created this little life of travel, adventure, and fun. Then there is G. A person I truly never thought was going to happen. I thought kids were just something not for me. Not the mother type over here....AT ALL. He is great though. A challenge, a joy, some silliness and heart-ache. I love hearing his little laugh and feeling his tight hugs. I am nervous about #2 but I know that with these two guys already in my life it is going to be great. On top of the love I have I am lucky to work with an incredible group of women. It is like a little family. Our work family has had some growing pains but I love what I do and I am so blessed to be part of it. Let's not even forget the special people I call friends. you all know who you are and we get reminded often that we are loved.
No, I am not bragging but I like to count my blessings. You know the good things in life. It makes me sad to see all the negativity on social media that swallows so many people. Finding the positive in my life has been something that has changed everything and I want to share that with people.

I could keep rambling on and on about all the thoughts in my head, but that would make for a really long post. So here are just a couple insights into my head for the past week.


  1. Hey Girl, You are exactly correct in that your life choices are yours and yours alone. I too enjoy garden, my chickens, knitting. I'm extremely low maintenance, sitting on my deck swing with a glass of sun tea is a dream come true. As for growing up in that huge just was. We had chores, homework, outside play. Whenever a "new" baby arrived it too just was. We learned to read while the most recent addition was breast feeding. I have fond memories of my childhood, next time I see you I'll share.

    Can't wait for #2. I remember it was very interesting, challenging but interesting.



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