
So a couple things that I have realized over the past 2 years (almost) with a child....There are things that you don't read about in books, your friends don't always talk about, and you mostly feel guilty about...Those "things" are the secrets I am going to talk about.

As a mom (at least me):
-No more alone time
-No more enjoying a cup of coffee while it is hot
-No more just jumping in the car to go and meet your friends
-Not a lot of spur of the moment things happen
-Date nights are really a treat
-Extreme guilt of wanting to just sit in silence and do something for myself.

Being a Mom is really tough. You spend all this time growing a little baby...Feeling movements, wondering what it will be like to hold a baby in your arms etc...THEN the baby is born and your world is turned up-side-down. Sure I read the baby books, I took the classes, and I thought we would be ready. NOPE. I remember wondering why the hospital was letting us take this little person home. I remember pulling into our driveway and bursting into tears because I was so overwhelmed. What was I to do first when we got home? There was so much and so little to do all at once. 

The first few weeks were pretty horrible. No sleep, crying, trying to figure everything out, trying to figure life out and entertaining people who want to come see the baby. I opened up one day to my husband and said that I wasn't sure if I could do this. I thought that having a baby would be this ethereal moment and life would just go on, we would adapt.....This wasn't the case for me.

Do these thoughts make me a bad mom? I don't think so. I like to think of it as being honest. Once we settled into our routine it would change. Then the routine would form back up and it would change again. BLAH!!! I would get used to something and POOF no longer was that the trend. 

Looking back it was hard and fun at the same time. I give credit to the moms that make life look effortless and perfect. To the moms who seem to have NO growing pains once their children are born. Personally, I had a really fun and exciting life before G. It is fun and exciting now but 100% different so there was a little adjustment time with some growing pains. It happens.

Here are some of my secrets:
-I get up really early to work out and enjoy breakfast alone (when Andy is working)
-Sometimes I take really long showers just to have alone time
-Sometimes my coffee will sit in the microwave and it is a surprise treat in the morning
-I ask for help (not often) but I do.
-I am honest about what it is like to be a mom (in my opinion)

Think what you will. I hope that this post gives a mom struggling some thought that she isn't alone.


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