
This morning the gloomy clouds loomed and the rain drops danced around us. We didn't let us stop anything. My friend and her daughter joined us for some playtime fun at a local park. So simple. Normally, a happening place, today was quiet and empty. The kids laughed and ran as they enjoyed the entire place to themselves. A snack here, a drink there and we were set.

The rain drops fell here and there but we had fun. Chit-chatting about whatever and watching the kiddos play together. It was nice...

Why am I writing about this? is no secret that being a stay-at-home mom is really hard. Sadly I think too many women don't admit that it is difficult. At least for me I know that the same thing day in and day out is very tiresome and wearing. For the most part my days all look the same with small variances here and there....Would I trade this and go back to work full time? Well today I say no but in 100% truth, YES there are days, weeks even that I think it would be better. yes I love seeing my son everyday and I love that I get to be the one who helps teach him learn things BUT, I have lost myself. By my own doing I have lost the person that I once was. Always a home-body yes but sometimes now I am stuck and can't get out solely because I am a mom.

My friend and I are honest with one another. We talk about the ups and downs of parenting, being a girl, a wife, whatever. The best part is that we both know we aren't alone in this.

She mentioned today that kids used to be raised in a "village." You know the saying "it takes a village to raise a child." Well, we both are our own villages. Our families are not super close to our locations and it just is what it is. Create our own village, that seems to be what we are doing. Leaning on one another, talking about the not so fun parts of being a parent and getting through it. Some days are really hard, most are great. Man oh man is it hard.

So as the cool breeze is blowing in my open window and the smell of rain in the air surrounds me I am writing about this. A gloomy day can be the more enlightening and bright day there is!
Thank you.


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