That is our currently. Of course there a million other things going on. The happenings in this little mans life is so fun to watch and be part of.
What are the million other things?
*We painted our dining room and kitchen with some help at Albi! It is starting to look like "our" home.
*I made some AWESOME new curtains for our living room!
*Mother's day was amazing...simple...amazing
*I am currently partaking in the BBM 2.0 and I LOVE it!
*Andy is awesome as always
*I am trying to find the small things everyday that make me happy and it really does make you happier when doing so!
*I want to read a book....but I don't know what to read
*I love experimenting with cooking and have been trying all sorts of new recipes. Most of which I forget to take photos of until I am half way through eating them...Bummer
*I have lots of stuff to sell but don't want to have a garage sale...what to do?
This list goes on and on but I am going to go play with the G-man and the pups.
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