Sad but thankful

Thanksgiving...One of my favorite holidays. No not because of the food and traditions but because it used to be one of the few days that the world around me slowed down...It seemed that everyone took a step back to enjoy one day. Cliche as it is, it was true. Even the years that I had to work in the ER it was still a day that people were more patient, more kind and overall people just seemed to be happier.

So tonight as we left a lovely little Thanksgiving dinner at our dear cousin Peg's house I was just relishing in the moment...That quiet stillness that surrounded us. The normal drive to her house is littered with traffic and people in a rush to get from here to there...

So here is the picture of my evening. our son all strapped into his car seat loving the lights as we drive home. All he was doing was laughing at his silly Mama playing with his hands and feet while she was listening to his Papa sing a little song. I took a silent little mental photo in my head as our family drove home from our very first "Thanksgiving" with Gus.  Amazing right?  Well yeah it is and was but what was and is sad about tonights lovely drive was the following.

As we passed the local Target and Walmart no longer were the once busy and bustling streets calm and quiet as they were on the way to dinner. No they were packed with cars and people lining up at the doors of the shops...Driving through the drive through at McDonalds!!! COME ON!!! This whole thing is ridiculous. All this to save a couple bucks on things, stuff, toys, junk.

I know that not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving, has a family, or has a tradition. I get it. Do we really need to make this whole shopping craziness worse? When did this whole craziness start? Black Friday was always a busy day but now it has leeched its way into the one quiet day we all still had left.

So here is what I say. Shame on you. For those working I am sorry. Sorry that you had to leave your quiet day, your family, your tradition or even something as basic as just your day off. For those of you shopping, I feel terrible that you left your quiet day, your family, your traditions....for a sale. I guess I hope it was worth it to you.
These are my opinions, please remember that.

I am going to continue my quiet evening as I curl up on the couch with my husband. We will enjoy that extra serving of dessert that only happens occasionally... We will do nothing and enjoy every minute of it before one or both of us falls asleep on the couch.



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