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A Harsh Reality

 Something we have learned is that everyone lives and exists inside their own little bubble. If Covid taught us one thing- it is that our bubble is where 99% of our existence is. Some bubbles are small, and some are large. There is nothing wrong with living inside our bubbles and in some way we all do it. What I am about to write about is the painful part....The part where we realize these bubbles are fragile. Often times we can relate to people around us and their stories, their situations. What we can't really understand though, is all the details that are left unsaid and un-experienced...The parts that are hidden away, inside a bubble.  From the outside in our family is pretty be honest it is pretty great on the inside too.  But, there is a harsh reality that many people (up until last week) didn't understand. Our life is lovely, but it isn't easy. We have challenges, as does everyone else. Recently and incredible series was started by OPB  that highli...

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